Haven't blogged in a few days...but have been aware of the small things that are bringing JOY to my life....
Each one of my children....in so many different ways....
Ian He has a way of always making me smile. He IS my first baby...and no matter how big he thinks he is getting, I will still look at him that way....He has an amazing sense of humor, and reminds me so much of his daddy...which is def a good thing....He has a huge heart for others, and he loves his Lord. I have seen him grow up so much over the past year....Matured so much, has a girlfriend, getting ready for high school....ugh...just want to spend as much time with this young man as possible, because time goes TOO fast....love you Ian. You always bring me Joy.
Macey A daughter. It is every mommy's dream to have a daughter to share the "girl stuff" with...and Macey is that. A blessing, a joy in every way. She is a beautiful young lady inside and out. She loves her brothers, and she has such a caring heart. She has such BIG dreams, and an astronomical attitude. To only be 11, and to have worked in NYC, traveled and auditioned in Nashville, Atlanta, and now Los Angeles....So focused on the important things. Loving her Lord, caring for others....I love spending time with her, and as I have told her before-she is my best friend. Love You Macey. Joy.
Cade Last, but not least...The baby of them all...He is so precious. Who would have ever thought that you could have 3 children, and they be SO different? But they are...I stand amazed sometimes at how much they are alike, and then their differences are so obvious as well....Cade loves his mommy (daddy too, but this is my blog, right?) He is my artist. He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and he does it with heart. He draws me pictures all the time, and is always giving "his personal best". He and Macey are inseperable...and as of late, He and Ian are becoming big buddies too....the minute he wakes up, and walks into the family room-Joy. Love you Cade.
James Can't name people that bring me joy without talking about my best friend in all the world. James and I have been together since we were 15 years old....hard to believe that it's been that long, but time flies when you are having fun. =) He is the best...could go on and on and on...but not wanting to get mushy on here...So when I say James, I think Joy. God has blessed me with an wonderful marriage, to my best friend, who shares my love for our Lord-who has blessed our marriage beyond imagination...Can't get any more Joy out of life than that =)
there are some "simple things" that bring me joy as well....
13. Worship Music-any type, especially in my car...Love spending time with God, alone
14. Sunshine-Lots of it, Usually in the summer months. May-August....JOY
15. Beach-any kind, any place, any time...I am getting to go to Hilton Head in Feb. of 2011 with my Scentsy Business...Won't get to do my normal "beach activities", but nonetheless....JOY
16. Travel-if it says go, I am Happy. Love to pack my bags, and roll on out of Kingpsort...Any day of the year....
17. Laundry completed-ha ha ha...I think that would bring me Joy...Not sure if it has ever happened.
18. a Roof on my house-for those of you who know me, this roof thing has been a long process...so to pull into a home with no tarps, and a garage-pure JOY-every day
19. Sound Machine-I can NOT sleep with out it. Crazy, I know. But we started using it when Cade was a baby...and now, Cade sleeps without it, but not me...Ocean sound...goes back to that love of the beach...I think ;)
20. Blogging-Love to get my thoughts down. Whether in a journal or a blog...I do both. Even though internet, and Facebook, blogs are fun. I still like a good smelling journal, with a gel pen. in my favorite color, and time to simply write. Trying to teach the importance of writing to the kids...Macey gets it. Not sure anyone else does...=)
21. Getting Personal Mail-Something about going to the mailbox and opening it up, and recieving a card, or letter....JOY
22. Grandparents-My parents are amazing, and have helped James and I out tremendously in life. Watching the kids while we work, helping us run them around. But to see them as Grandparents to my kids. The smile on my kids faces when they get to go to their house....JOY
23. Coffee....Simple enough...Coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer....enough said. Wonder if they will have coffee in Haiti? =)
24. Weight Loss....I know, very vain. BUT, have been struggling with weight issues ever since my little Cade was born...to finally have lost 40 pounds-JOY for me....still on the road to my goal, but closer than I have been in years.
25. Missions-have always wanted to go to another country and serve my Lord. Getting ready to leave. JOY
26. Scrapbooking-Photography+Journaling all wrapped up together in one...JOY
27. Photography-sharing what I see in my mind, capturing it with a camera, and saving that "still moment" forever-JOY
28. Laptop-what makes my photography, blogging, connections with my sister, family, possible. JOY
29. Christmas lights-Sitting in the den, with no lamps on, only the light from the tree. JOY
30. Framed pictures I have done, in other people's homes-Nothing like going to visit a friend, and seeing my work on the walls of their home-JOY
that's it for my list today...Rest of the family is still sleeping, going to get ready, and run a few errands...hoping to get my eyes checked today. Can't see well, and thinking I need new prescriptions....Going to finish our cookie making, wrap the few gifts I have left to wrap. Enjoy the week before Christmas =)
31. OH! One more thing that has brought me joy today. God allowed me to be off work today. To spend time with those guys I love so much. Has really bothered me having to work while they are home, and ended up getting off work today. JOY.
I am leaving for Haiti on Monday, December 27. Please continue to pray for us as we travel, and for James and the kids as they are home. Happy Wednesday.....